After recently testing a moving LED charging cable I thought I’d do another Quick Charge test of different LED charging cable. No running lights this time but just illumination. Will it survive Quick Charge 9v and 12v? Continue reading Live test of another LED charging cable
Tag Archives: charging
Running LED cable test with Quick Charge
Recently I reviewed a lot of micro-USB charging cables to see how well they would do during normal charging and using Qualcomm Quick Charge. So I thought I would review another micro-USB cable, this time with some cool lighting effects!
Review: Aukey CC-T7, 2 port QC car phone charger
Today I’m reviewing the Aukey CC-T7 a 2 port Quick Charge 3.0 car phone charger! Since this is a car charger, this time the review will be done in the car. 😉 Continue reading Review: Aukey CC-T7, 2 port QC car phone charger
Review: Orico DUB-12P, 12 port Phone Charger
Last review was about the Anker PowerPort 10, today we are stepping it up a notch and I’m reviewing the Orico DUB-12P a 12 port charger which officially supports up to 5v 20A or 100 watt of total output power! Definitely the most powerful USB charger I’ve ever seen! Continue reading Review: Orico DUB-12P, 12 port Phone Charger
Review: Anker PowerPort 10, 10 port phone charger
Today we have something big, well no, not big, but very powerful! It’s the Anker PowerPort 10. A 10 port phone charger suited for charging all your Android or Apple devices. Will it stand the full load test? Continue reading Review: Anker PowerPort 10, 10 port phone charger
Review: Orico QSE-5U, 5 Port Quick Charge 2.0 phone charger
Today I’m doing a fully loaded review of the QSE-5U phone charger from Orico. This phone charger has 4 “super charge” ports and 1 Quick Charge 2.0 certified port. Let’s see how it does! Continue reading Review: Orico QSE-5U, 5 Port Quick Charge 2.0 phone charger
Review: Aukey PA-T14, 3 port Quick Charge 3 Phone Charger
This time I’m testing an Aukey PA-T14, 3 port Quick Charge 3.0 Phone charger. Much like the previously tested Tronsmart chargers this charger offers 2 “normal” ports and 1 Quick Charge port. Continue reading Review: Aukey PA-T14, 3 port Quick Charge 3 Phone Charger
Review: Tronsmart 3 port Quick Charge (W3PTA) phone charger
Today we are looking at a Tronsmart charger again. This time it’s the W3PTA! This is an updated version of the TS-WC3PC and it now comes with Quick Charge 3.0! All other specs are the same between the two models. Continue reading Review: Tronsmart 3 port Quick Charge (W3PTA) phone charger
Review: Tronsmart 3 port Quick Charge (TS-WC3PC) phone charger
Because of my recent obsession about everything that has to do with USB charging I’m reviewing several USB chargers. First up is the TS-WC3PC from Tronsmart. A 3 port plug style charger with 3 ports, Quick Charge 2.0 and 42 watts of total power. Continue reading Review: Tronsmart 3 port Quick Charge (TS-WC3PC) phone charger
China Gadgets: Qi Wireless chargers review
Since I bought my Galaxy S7 I wanted to take a look at Qi wireless chargers. It could make my daily routine of having to plug in the charger at night even easier!
Samsung official chargers are quite expensive though, so I ordered 3 Chinese variaties and tested them! Continue reading China Gadgets: Qi Wireless chargers review