
Sister website QuinLED.info

I have noticed some people come here looking for my LED info. Although that is great, I have been creating a sister website called https://quinled.info for the past year!

There you can find all the board designs, component lists but also everything you ever wanted to learn about LED strips, LEDs themselves, what to buy and what not to buy, etc.

So if you are looking for LED info, click here:


5 thoughts on “QuinLED.info”

  1. Hi i have 2 quad boards i want to have with Ethernet, do have that in stock?
    Where can i buy that , and i also want to order
    2 more quad boards.

    1. We’ll have the new boards in stock very soon, Ethernet is going to follow pretty quickly after that!

  2. Morning quindor, firstly I would like to say how awesome your channels are I’m new to this game so I’m after as much advice as possible I’ve just bought a quad bored from yourself to work my LED stair project,would it be possible to run my 5v stairs leds from a 4/5 inch screen as well as the phone, if so what screen and software do I need please, any advice would be so grateful, many thanks to you and your team, Paul from uk

    1. Not sure what you mean but if you want a different interface then the app to control everything maybe look into Home Assistant, that can control WLED perfectly!

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