Update to the DIY Cloud backup project
2022 update!
In 2017 I built a DIY cloud backup solution (which you can find documented here). This has been running every since but somewhere end of 2021 I decided the used hardware could use a little update.
I’ve been trying to do a video series of basically a re-imagining of the project but I’m having a hard time following it through!
With this post video part 4 (and 5) are going to be released and we are finally heading towards the end of the project!
Below will be article parts to accompany the videos since especially code is easier copy & pasted then having to read and type it from a video!
Bonus – Initial build with old hardware
Part 1 – Analysis and explanation of setup
Part 2 – Proxmox install and software chosen
Bonus – Livestream building the server hardware
Part 3 – Picking up where we left off and the hardware
Part 4 – Install Minio S3 Storage Server
Part 5 – Installing and using the restic backup client
Synopsis of storage setup
It’s explained in detail in the video by the slimmed down version of it is that we’re running Promox as the operating system giving us access to ZFS. We’re using a zRAID2 to have the ability to tolerate 2 drive failures without losing data! Then we’re also using the ZFS system to have the ability to create multiple ZFS datasets combined with settings we can set per dataset such as quotas, etc.
This dataset is the most important part that otherwise isn’t really possible within Minion itself. Yes Minio has gotten many more options over the years and now also partly has the same functionality but the clue here is multi-tenancy. When I get someone a 1TB or 2TB account, I don’t care how many users they want to share that with, how the divide it, amount of users they create, etc. etc.. They can do that all on their own because they each have their own installation of the software and “partitioned” off dataset within ZFS. This way lots of users can use the same server without being able to influence the other users on there.
Hopefully that explains the software stack I’ve chosen and the reasoning behind it!
Used Commands
Creating user “minio”
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
adduser minio 5x blank enter Y
Creating ZFS dataset on pool
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
In this tutorial our pool is called “HDDmirror” please use whatever name you have called your storage pool!
cd / cd HDDmirror zfs create HDDmirror/minio zfs create HDDmirror/minio/quindor zfs set quota=100G HDDmirror/minio/quindor chown -R minio:minio /HDDmirror/minio
Installing the minio application
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
cd /opt mkdir minio chown minio:minio minio cd minio su minio wget https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio chmod +x minio ls -l
Test start of minio binary
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
In this part we are still assuming the role as the “minio” user since we never exited above!
MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password ./minio server /HDDmirror/minio/quindor
The URL this command shows is linked to the IP the machine you are working on has, generally it’s port 9001 for the management interface.
The user: admin, the password: password.
Creating a bucket
Please follow the video!
Creating a startup file
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
exit (become root again) cd /etc/systemd/system nano minio.quindor.service
Service file details
[Unit] Description=MinIO Documentation=https://docs.min.io Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target AssertFileIsExecutable=/opt/minio/minio [Service] WorkingDirectory=/HDDmirror/minio/quindor User=minio Group=minio ProtectProc=invisible Environmentfile=/HDDmirror/minio/quindor/minio.env ExecStart=/opt/minio/minio server $MINIO_OPTS $MINIO_VOLUMES Restart=always LimitNOFLE=65536 TasksMax=infinity TimeoutStopSec=infinity SendSIGKILL=no [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Creating the minio environment file
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
nano /HDDmirror/minio/quindor/minio.env --- MINIO_OPTS="--address :9000 --console-address :9001" MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password MINIO_VOLUMES="/HDDmirror/minio/quindor"
Starting the minio.quindor.service service
(This tutorial assumes you are logged in as the root user otherwise you will need to use “sudo” to execute certain commands!)
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start minio.quindor.service systemctl status minio.quindor.service
Auto-start during boot
If that all works let’s enable the service to also be started during the starting of the system using:
systemctl enable minio.quindor.service
Part 5 – Restic Backup software
In this part we’re going to be running the restic backup software on Windows. You can find all the Restic pre-compiled binaries (including for Windows) in the github repository here.
In the video we go over how to download and unpack it. I generally rename the current version I’m using to “restic.exe” to make it a bit easier in all my batch files, etc.
Run CMD when creating first backup
For some reason on Windows 11 restic doesn’t function correctly on the first backup if not run in the “cmd” environment for me. I haven’t been able to figure out why that is but at least that fixes the issue for me of it just hanging and not doing anything. Subsequent backups seems to work fine within “cmd” or not.
Initialize the restic repository in the S3 bucket
“addenv.bat” batch file
set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password set RESTIC_PASSWORD=newpassword12 set TMPDIR=c:\temp\restic\temp set TMP=c:\temp\restic\temp
Run the “addenv.bat” batch file to enable these values.
Restic command to initialize repository
restic -r s3: init
Running first backup
To run the first backup to the just initialized repository we are going to use the following command:
restic -r s3: --verbose backup "d:\arduino"
Second backup with extra options
Let’s add some more options to the backup line for instance how to exclude certain file types and folders!
restic -r s3: --verbose --cache-dir=c:/temp/restic/cache --exclude"**/Downloads" --exclude="**.mkv" backup "d:\arduino"
Restic repository statistics
Let’s see how many backups we have, files and the total size!
restic -r s3: stats
Restic repository snapshots
Snapshots are individual backups restic is holding right now, let’s take a look
restic -r s3: snapshots
Finding a file in your backups
Let’s try and find a “.jpeg” file in our latest snapshot backup
restic -r s3: find *.jpeg
Restore a file
Let’s restore one of those .jpeg files from the most recent backup.
restic -r s3: --target d:\temp\restore --include Untitled_000076.jpeg restore latest
Restic maintenance
We need to keep our repository under control that it doesn’t just grow indefinitely so let’s do some maintenance.
First we need to tell restic how long we want backups to be kept, you can do this using the keep command.
restic -r s3: --keep-hourly 4 --keep-daily 30 --keep-weekly 52 --keep-monthly 24 --keep-yearly 10 forget
Restic prune
Although the above command tells restic what to keep and what to forget the actual blocks that data is contained in are still there. Let’s tell restic to remove those too so the space used actually shrinks!
restic -r s3: prune
Restic consistency check
How do you know all your backup containers and files are ok? Restic has a check command for this! For a simple check, this command suffices.
restic -r s3: check
Restic check with reading archives
restic -r s3: check --read-data
Restic check with reading some archives
Reading all archives can take a really really long time, partly dependent on the speed of the internet connections involved. To not have to do this every time you can tell restic to only check a percentage of the archives and it will select random archives to check each time!
restic -r s3: check --read-data --read-data-subset=5%
End conclusion
This concludes the basic series of the DIY Backup 2022 episodes! As mentioned in the video I will look into doing some more advanced videos in the future (such as backup scheduling and such) but with the above videos you should be able to build your own solution and get up and running!