I’m a big promoter of ‘community’ driven Android ROM’s and in particular Cyanogenmod. For one reason or another all of my Android devices end up running Cyanogenmod sooner or later, stock ROM’s just don’t cut it, don’t get updated in time or are even just horrible with bloatware and other nonsense. But once in a while doing a flash I encounter a bug which Cyanogenmod/CWM or at least, something goes wrong. If you know what is going on, it’s easy to fix though, let me explain!
Continue reading CM11: Insert SD card / Cannot write to Storage →
I have been building private servers for over 12 years now, as written before my current server is incarnation/version 8 with several even having minor revision numbers between the big numbers. During this time I have accumulated some best practices for myself and one of them is to always perform a full surface scan on (new) disks I receive. Read more about it in this article!
Continue reading Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 1.1 – x: HDD Preperations →
Since I purchased a new motherboard I have started using Intel RAID0 for 2xSamsung 840 Pro 256GB and 2xHitachi 1TB 2.5″ disks. Performance is great and everything worked well, until I had to reset my BIOS a few times because of overclocking. For some reason my second RAID0 array (On the Hitachi HDD’s) would always come up failed.

This was strange to me (I have a background in Storage) as there was no reason why the RAID would have failed. So I started investigating and I found a way to repair the situation without data loss.
Continue reading Repair incorrectly reported broken/failed Intel RAID0 →
My personal blog for pasting random (mostly technology related) things out of my head on (virtual) paper