I recently purchased a new camera and needed a new SD card for it. I selected the Lexar 1000x Professional 64GB and before I used it in the camera I ran some tests on it. Continue reading Review: Lexar 1000x Professional 64GB
Tag Archives: computer
Review of the Mikrotik Routerboard wAP AC
This week Mikrotik released the Routerboard wAP AC. Internally it resembles the recently released hAP AC a lot so I bought some to take a look!
Review (Gigabit) Passive POE Injectors and Switches
A while back I tested a “dumb” active POE switch. But I still have devices which require passive POE and I don’t want a mess of cables and injectors. So I took a closer look at passive PE and what is possible with it. For this I tested some devices and you can view my review below.
Continue reading Review (Gigabit) Passive POE Injectors and Switches
A guide to iperf (network metering)
Both for my work and private tinkering I often have the need to do bandwith tests over a network connection. Sometimes it’s troubleshooting ethernet connections up to 10Gbit, sometimes it’s testing an internet line, a WiFi link or actual real-world VPN throughput potential. Whatever the case I often need a good mutli-platform bandwith testing tool.
For this I use a program called “iperf” and while it can be a bit daunting at first with a little know-how it’s actually pretty easy! Read on to find out how to use it in a variety of situations:
Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 1.1 – x: HDD Preperations
I have been building private servers for over 12 years now, as written before my current server is incarnation/version 8 with several even having minor revision numbers between the big numbers. During this time I have accumulated some best practices for myself and one of them is to always perform a full surface scan on (new) disks I receive. Read more about it in this article!
Continue reading Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 1.1 – x: HDD Preperations
Compact Haswell HTPC
A while back I built myself a powerful PC based HTPC and today a friend asked me to design one for him. Since I have it all figured out anyway, I can just as well put it up on here.
Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 3 – x: ZFSguru Hardware and Layout (ZFS using FreeBSD)
This third part will be a hardware and design overview of the Storage server that I am using. This server combines a NAS with some secondary functions for me such as SabNZBd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato, FTP, CrashPlan, etc. I know that kind of taints it’s pure function (serve me storage) but since I used a pretty hefty machine for it, all seems to be working quite well and since this is not a company installation I believe the otherwise wasted CPU power can be put to good use! This article will be one of the most complex because it will hold the configuration I made and also partially the reasons why.
Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 2 – x: VMware ESXi Server
First in the line of my Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup posts will by my ESXi server. I will list the hardware involved, power usage, etc.
Continue reading Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 2 – x: VMware ESXi Server
Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 1 – x: The General Setup
This will be a series of posts about the renewing and current setup I have done upgrading my home Server/Storage/Lab setup. I will go into the hardware I decided to use, and also a bit of the reasoning behind it. Included will be some tips and tricks and maybe the articles will help you make your own setup!
Continue reading Home Server/Storage/Lab Setup Part 1 – x: The General Setup
Repair incorrectly reported broken/failed Intel RAID0
Since I purchased a new motherboard I have started using Intel RAID0 for 2xSamsung 840 Pro 256GB and 2xHitachi 1TB 2.5″ disks. Performance is great and everything worked well, until I had to reset my BIOS a few times because of overclocking. For some reason my second RAID0 array (On the Hitachi HDD’s) would always come up failed.
This was strange to me (I have a background in Storage) as there was no reason why the RAID would have failed. So I started investigating and I found a way to repair the situation without data loss.
Continue reading Repair incorrectly reported broken/failed Intel RAID0